Our team is very active in the research community and we frequently publish the results of our work. Here are a few select publications.
Achieving Cyber Defense Situational Awareness: A Cognitive Task Analysis of Information Assurance Analysts
D’Amico, A., Whitley, K., Tesone, D., O’Brien, B., and Roth, E. “Achieving cyber defense situational awareness: A cognitive task analysis of information assurance analysts,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting, 2005, 229-233.
Methods of Visualizing Temporal Patterns in and Mission Impact of Computer Security Breaches
D'Amico, A., & Larkin, M. (2001). Methods of visualizing temporal patterns in and mission impact of computer security breaches. In DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition II, 2001. DISCEX'01. Proceedings (Vol. 1, pp. 343-351). IEEE.
What Does a Computer Security Breach Really Cost?
D’Amico, A. D. (2000). What does a computer security breach really cost. Secure Decisions, Applied Visions Inc.
Achieving Information Resiliency
Zavidniak, P., D'Amico, A., & McCallam, D. H. (1999). Achieving information resiliency. Information Security Technical Report, 4(3), 54-62.