What’s In The Name?
We create the technologies that help you make sense of your security data. We help you make more secure decisions.
Applied Visions, Inc. created the Secure Decisions division to focus on research and product development areas related to national security including information assurance, computer network defense, cyber security education, and application security. Secure Decisions provides decision-makers with tools, like MeerCAT and the Code Dx software suite, to analyze massive amounts of data for more accurate and timely decisions.
Why We Win
At Secure Decisions, we play well with others. We know how to structure a diverse team to solve a problem, drawing on our partners from academia, small businesses, and Fortune 100 companies. We always put together the best possible team to create truly innovative concepts.
We have the processes and procedures in place to manage the complex, often unclear goals of research. We know how to take those vague, difficult to conceptualize statements of work, and drill down to their core elements. Thinking big and tailoring the results to what can really be produced, we shift from fuzzy questions to working solutions, on time and within budget.
Those solutions are also designed to be used by real people—not just in sterile lab environments. Secure Decisions consults with operators and end users to find out what problems they need solved, and we work with them to deliver a finished product that won’t gather dust on a shelf.